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instant keto  from brushing my teeth intermittent fasting while pregnant not recommended your baby needs you to kind of keep a constant supply food coming however I do encourage you to listen to your body a friend of mine is pregnant and she still delays her breakfast in the morning she's just not hungry when she first gets up so she just drinks a cup of black coffee and waits till a little later in the morning to eat so she's still fasting for 13 to 14 hours a day which I think is totally fine I would definitely not encourage trying to do Oh mad or anything more restrictive while you're pregnant your body really needs those nutrients how to get through the fast when your body is telling you to eat okay this is really important you guys remember this hunger is not an emergency so if your tummy is grumbling and making noise and you're feeling hungry you can just say oh good well my body is telling me it wants to eat but I'm not going to give it food so it can eat the fat on my butt instead however if you're experiencing the kind of hungry that like makes you nauseous dizzy shaky then it is time to eat you have to kind of push thro

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